

类型:动画 其它 2009 

主演:福里斯特·惠特克 琼·库萨克 加利·艾尔维斯 Vivian Schil 

导演:吉利·巴塔 Vivian Schilling 


《在阁楼上有谁今天过生日?》是一部动画 类型的影视剧作品,In an attic full of discarded junk, a pretty doll called Buttercup lives in an old trunk together with her friends, the marionette Sir Handsome, the lovable Teddy Bear, a Mechanical Mouse and the plasticine creature, Laurent. When Buttercup is snatched and taken off to the Land of Evil, her pals set out on a wondrous and daring adventure to rescue her from the all-powerful Head of State.

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